"which were an ___ distraction." crossword clue

Author: Olivia Langford
Last Updated: 30 Aug 2023

which were an ___ distraction. NYT crossword answer is:

ADDED (5 letters length)

The answer for "which were an ___ distraction." crossword clue is listed above to help you solve the puzzle you are currently working on.

The crossword clue "which were an ___ distraction" from the New York Times (August 30 2023) could be referring to a variety of things. It could be referring to a physical distraction, such as a loud noise, or a mental distraction, such as a thought or worry. It could also be referring to a digital distraction, such as a phone notification or an email. Whatever the case may be, this clue is sure to challenge any crossword enthusiast.

About The Author


Olivia Langford
Senior Editor

Olivia Langford is the Senior Editor for NY Crossword Today. Armed with a degree in marketing management, she also has an excellent grasp of business strategies and communication trends. She has served as a consultant for a few companies who were looking to improve their stakeholder management — her efforts have resulted in at least 10% increase in sales as well as 5% increase in positive feedback for those brands. Beyond her accomplishments in the business world, Olivia remains deeply committed to social and environmental causes. Through her advocacy efforts, she has championed issues related to sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and corporate social responsibility. A mother of three kids, Olivia lives in a quaint little house in the Indiana countryside. When not working, she can be found tending to her garden.

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